MuSiC C0DeZ!!!!

Song: Burning in the Deep by Adele 

Ooh! This is the newest feature of my site! Ok, here I will give you some tips on how to make music codes! *note: will work on regular websites, i.e yola, googlesites, your own personal website, blogs(yet to be checked) WILL NOT WORK on sites with restricted code. Such as Neopets, Myspace(yet to be checked), Facebook, etc. WILL work on gaia. Ok. so, first off, what you need to do, is set up something like this(sorry, not a genius when it comes to html, just a little intuitive. ;D  ) <bgsound src=" *insert url here* "> just take out the spaces, insert your url, and you're good to go! Here's a GREAT place to get url, it's full, downloadable, and the music quality is great.! But, like all things that are too good to be true, there's a catch. You must  have (a.) a membership, and (b.) deposit money. The songs are only 9c a piece, but you have to have a downpay of at least 25USD. So, yeah. good luck on finding a good url. BUT: here's one for free. ;D in fact, it is also free on legalsounds!


It is: Rolling in the Deep by Adele. It's really quite good, it was in the top 40 US chart at the time of purchase(mid March 2011) so yeah. ;D have fun with that one. Email me, and if you ask politely, I may just give you another of your asking! *note: I must have it, or be willing to buy it. I have a lot of music, so it shouldn't be that hard to find something you like! ;D